Ninety-four years ago, our founders knew family farms were worth fighting for. They gathered in solidarity to set policy that would improve life on their family farms and in their communities. We'll continue that legacy as we celebrate Wisconsin Farmers Union's 94th convention.
View WFU's Policy & Special Orders of Business at: www.wisconsinfarmersunion.com/policy
Lodging is available onsite at Chula Vista Resort, with rooms starting at just $90 per night. To reserve a room, call 855-923-8144 and reference code K23982 (WI Farmers Union) before November 30th. The hotel address is 1000 Chula Vista Way, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965.
Policy Submission Forms
Use the following forms to submit policy suggestions for our upcoming convention. The submissions will be reviewed by the corresponding committee, then county presidents, and if forwarded, the delegates at our convention.
Committee Interest Forms
We are seeking committee members for our Resolutions Review, Bylaws, and Election, Rules, and Credentials Committees. If interested, please submit the corresponding form.
About Me.
This year, we will be electing board directors for
District 3 (Chippewa, Clark, and Eau Claire Counties)
District 5 (Crawford, Grant, Iowa, Rock, Green, Lafayette, Richland, and Vernon Counties)
District 8 (Brown, Calumet, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Forest, Florence, Kewaunee, Langlade, Marinette, Manitowoc, Menominee, Milwaukee, Oconto, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Shawano, Sheboygan, Washington, Waukesha, and Winnebago Counties)
We'll also be electing 2 delegates to represent WFU at the National Farmers Union Convention.
NFU Delegate Position Description
WFU Board Director Position Description
Following the WFU convention, the board of directors will hold elections for the WFU Executive Committee (President, Vice President, and Secretary).
NFU delegate and WFU board candidates are asked to submit the following forms by the designated deadlines:
• Send nominations (with the name as it should appear on the ballot), a photo, and a brief statement of background, qualifications, etc. (up to 300 words total) by Oct. 15 for inclusion in the WFU News and/or by Nov. 22 for communications to delegates. Any paid member may self-nominate or be nominated by a chapter leader.
Contact the WFU State Office at 715-723-5561 for more details or Kirsten at kslaughter@wisconsinfarmersunion.com | 608-514-2031.
Leadership Awards
Each year at our annual convention, Wisconsin recognizes several people for their leadership and dedication to rural Wisconsin. As a grassroots organization, WFU’s strength resides in the dedication and leadership of its members.
Dates to Remember
Sept/Oct - Chapter Annual Meetings & Policy Discussions
Oct 1 - Policy & Bylaw Resolutions Due
Oct 15 - Deadline for WFU board and NFU delegate candidates to submit bios for Nov/Dec WFU News
October 16 - Bylaws Committee meets
Oct 17 - The Resolutions Review Committee will review resolutions submitted by the Oct. 1 deadline.
Oct 31 - Final Chapter Reports due
November 5 - Convention Committee meets
Nov 9 - County presidents meet to review proposed policy
Nov 17 - Early bird registration ends
Nov 22 - Chula Vista room block ends
Nov 22 - Deadline for WFU board and NFU delegate candidates to submit bios for delegate email
Nov 30 - Last day to register as a voting delegate to represent your chapter or vote your own vote
Dec 5 - Deadline for non-delegate attendee registrations
Dec 13 - WFU Groundswell Pre-Convention
Dec 14-15 - WFU Convention!
We're now seeking sponsors & exhibitors for convention! Questions?
Contact Danielle Endvick at dendvick@wisconsinfarmersunion.com
Thank you to our Sponsors!
BarnRaiser sponsors

Cultivator sponsors
