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NEW Small Farmer Scholarship


The Northeast Wisconsin (NEW) Smaller Farmer Scholarship is available for underserved farmers located in the Fox-Wolf Watershed who would like assistance attending a conference or event that could improve their farming operation.


Attending conferences and large events can often be out of reach for underserved farmers due to registration, travel, and lodging costs. As part of the Farm Climate Smart WI project, Wisconsin Farmers Union is assisting 10 farmers per year with up to $200 in costs associated with conference attendance. 


We need more diverse, small farmer voices at agriculture events. Apply for the NEW Small Farmer Scholarship to receive assistance and make your voice heard!

Prefer to fill out a paper version of this application?

Download the application, print, complete, and then mail to:

Wisconsin Farmers Union

c/o NEW Small Farmer Scholarship

128 W River Street, Suite 201, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

Scholarship Eligibility

Farmers who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the NEW Small Farmer Scholarship:


  • Farmer is located within the Fox-Wolf Watershed (21 counties)

  • Farmer identifies as underserved

    • Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color​

    • Women

    • Veteran

    • Limited Resource

    • Beginning Farmer (Less than 10 years spent farming)

    • Specialty Crop Producer

  • Applicant is an active farm owner, operator, worker, or apprentice

  • Event pertains to agriculture


Application Details

Time to complete: 15-20 minutes

Topics covered: your farm, demographic information, and the event you're interested in attending

What you need to complete the application:​​​​

  • Event information like website link, location, & dates

  • ​Basic information about your farm such as acreage and what is produced. *No specific income information is requested.*

  • Self-reported demographic information

Prefer to fill out a paper version of this application?

Download the application, print, complete, and then mail to:

Wisconsin Farmers Union

c/o NEW Small Farmer Scholarship

128 W River Street, Suite 201, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

Key Dates & Process

Application Deadlines

The NEW Small Farmer Scholarship has rolling deadlines for applications. You can submit an application at anytime. 


Applications are reviewed quarterly. Plan to submit your application at least one quarter before your event occurs.


Rolling deadlines are:

Quarter 1: March 31

Quarter 2: June 30

Quarter 3: September 30

Quarter 4: December 31

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of events can I use this scholarship to go to?

This scholarship can be used for conferences/events related to agriculture, farm business, conservation, and local food systems. Possible events include:

Can I apply for this scholarship more than once?

Yes! Farmers can apply for the NEW Small Farmer Scholarship more than once, however priority is given to farmers attending an event for the first time.

Can more than one farmer from the same farm apply?

Yes! Multiple farmers from the same farm may apply for this scholarship in the same quarter. This includes farmers who are married, farmworkers, apprentices, joint owners, etc.

I am not located in one of the counties within the Fox-Wolf Watershed. Am I eligible for this scholarship?

Unfortunately, only farmers located with one of the 21 counties that make up the Fox-Wolf Watershed are eligible for the NEW Small Farmer Scholarship. Alternatively, the Wisconsin Farmers Union Small Farm Sustainability Stipend is available statewide and also provides funding for event attendance.


Robyn Calvey


Park Ridge Organics


Fond du Lac County


"In December of 2024, I attended the New England Vegetable and Fruit Growers Conference in Manchester, New Hampshire. The experience was fantastic! There were about 1,500 attendees and a very extensive trade show presence for this 3 day conference. The courses were production focused and often presented by experienced growers and or academic folks from the New England area. The knowledge gained was very practical and applicable to my farm's growing conditions and it was specifically useful to see how other regions are handling similar issues as they arise. I was able to connect with other growers and share technical ideas to help improve farm operations and  production systems.  Thanks to the NEW Scholarship, I was able to offset some of the cost to attend this conference and I am very grateful that I did."

Ben Jenkins


Jenkins Family Farms


Green Lake County


"Thanks to the scholarship provided by the Wisconsin Farmers Union I was able to attend the Grassworks Grazing Conference at the Chula Vista in the WI Dells. I had a great time catching up with old acquaintances and meeting new ones. The Grassworks folks put together a great line up of educators who imparted knowledge with both research and experience. As a farmer I came away with some exciting ideas for the future of my farm. Since losing our organic milk contract with Westby last year I have been wondering which direction to take our operation. Attending this conference helped to expose me to some more non-traditional ideas in producing livestock. Being an organic dairyman in a place so isolated so as not to be able to get on another organic truck, I found Chaz Self's talk on raw milk in WI particularly interesting.    


Overall I can say that there was a little something for every grazier there no matter what species, or size operation. The format of offering 40 minute lectures followed by questions, small group consulting, and lightning talks was great and catered to the learning needs of all who went no matter what their attention span. Plus, the food was great!"

Austin Pethan


Prairie Folk Farm


Calumet County


"I had a great time at GrassWorks! I went to workshops on dairy heifer grazing, grazing on public lands, two different workshops on solar grazing, and a workshop on bale-grazing. I met some folks that I feel are going to be very important connections regarding increasing the number of acres we have access to. I brought my banjo along for the Thursday jam session - usually there are about 6 to 8 of us, but this year it was just myself and someone ended up getting wayyy out of my comfort zone and played some tunes for my friends and colleagues...couldn't hide behind all the other musicians this time!"

Contact Erin Thompson at or (715)-450-6431

Sheep in Open Fields

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