Enforcement of federal anti-trust laws has slackened in recent years, with very few meaningful investigations into mergers and acquisitions of large scale agricultural producers, suppliers and processors. Farmers are facing the increasingly deleterious effects of lack of competition in numerous markets. The markets for seed, dairy, livestock processing, grain, fertilizer, and transportation are becoming increasingly consolidated, to the detriment of farmers.
Enforce existing antitrust laws
Break up existing monopolies - breaking up corporate giants will spur innovation, restore competition in the marketplace, and rein in political corruption.
Block new mergers - we need to halt mega-mergers that threaten our economic security and democracy.
Re-balance the power between corporations and the people
Campaign finance reform - we need to get big money out of politics so our elected leaders represent us, not corporations or special interest groups.
Fair prices, fair wages, fair trade - farmers and workers at home and abroad must receive fair wages in exchange for their labor, knowledge, and skills.
Federal tax reform - corporations and the wealthy must pay their fair share.
Corporate accountability - we need safeguards against unfair, anticompetitive, or abusive business practices.
Marketplace transparency - pricing, marketing, and labeling must be honest and transparent.
Take Action
Share your story - how does monopoly power impact your life, your farm, your business?
Write opinion pieces
Do on-camera media interviews
Share a video story
Check out NFU's Fairness for Farmers Campaign
Follow organizations that are tackling monopoly power
Organization for Competitive Markets
Open Markets Institute
Farm Action
American Antitrust Institute
Educate yourself about monopoly power
The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age by Tim Wu
Antitrust by Amy Klobuchar
Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy by Matt Stoller
Break ‘em Up: Recovering our Freedom from Big Ag, Big Tech, and Big Money by Zephyr Teachout
Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power by David Dayen
Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America by Wenonah Hauter
Start a book club with friends and family
Buy directly from farmers and co-ops
Weigh in with your decision-makers
Members of Congress
Federal agencies
State attorney generals
Engage with candidates who are running for office
Attend town halls and candidate forums
Ask candidates where they stand on antitrust issues
Vote for candidates who support economic democracy!
Info Sheets & Resources
Consolidation in Agriculture - Wisconsin Farmers Union
Fairness for Farmers - National Farmers Union
Consolidation Policy Brief - National Farmers Union
Anti-Monopoly Timeline - Open Markets Institute
Join us today to fight for a stronger tomorrow.