Membership Renewal
If you are a current member of Wisconsin Farmers Union, please follow the directions below.
For best compatibility, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are recommended.
If you have questions about renewals or would like a renewal link emailed to you, contact our state office at or 715-723-5561.
Instructions for Renewing Your WFU Membership
1. Log into your Member Info Hub by clicking on the “Renew Now!” button at the bottom of this page.
2. Log into your account. (Follow the steps below if this is your first time logging in.) Be sure to use the same email address you have listed on your WFU membership.
3. In the upper left-hand corner check to make sure that you are logged in as your family membership. Click “Change Org” if you are logged in under your farm or other associated business.
4. Click on the “My Billing Info” tab on the left-hand panel
5. Three options for paying. Option 1
a. Click on “Make a Payment” at the top
b. Check the box for the appropriate invoice
c. Enter your card information
d. Select Done
6. Three options for paying. Option 2
a. Find the “Open Invoices Section” on the page.
b. Click on the orange “Actions” button and select “Enter Credit Card”. Once the box pops up enter your card information
c. Or, download the invoice, click on “Submit payment online here” at the bottom and once the page loads enter your card information and click on “Pay Now”.
7. Three options for paying. Option 3
a. You can also renew your membership from the invoice that was emailed to you. Search for “Your WFU Membership is ready for renewal!” Please download the invoice and select “Submit payment online here” at the bottom and once the page loads enter your card information and click on “Pay Now”
Instructions for Logging into your Member Info Hub
If you have not logged in before you will need to create an account. Here are the steps.
1. Click on the “Member Database Login” button.
2. Next to the “Sign in” button you will see “Don't have an Account? Create One”. Click on “Create One”
3. Add your first name, last name, and email associated with your membership and click “Submit”
4. You will be sent an email with instructions to finish setting up your account and create your password. If you do not see the email right away be sure to check your spam folder or other inbox tabs like promotions.